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Stress management

Only just over 100 years ago there were no aeroplanes or cars that ran late or were struck in one location; televisions, CD players, washing machines, dishwashers, radios, computers or ipods that were difficult to programme or suddenly just hung up at a crucial time or went wrong and commuting nationally, let alone internationally on a regular basis was almost unknown. However, would we give any of these up today and could society manage without them?

These are just a few examples of today’s stressors which form a major component of our lives and accounts for a whole range of life threatening, serious and minor illnesses, which can incapacitate in the three ways below.

       1. - Minor stressors and chronic over reactions like road rage that occur on a daily basis and make our blood pressure raise our
             adrenaline levels surge and leave us feeling uncomfortable and occasionally sick. This type of stress leads to unhealthy habits,
             such over eating, excessive alcoholic and increased smoking, which all build up poisons toxins in the body.

       2. - Background stress that constantly nags in our mind, either as a short term frustration, such as running late for an appointment to
             long term problems such as over committed financial burdens. These tend to lead to ailments, such as raised blood pressure
             and ulcers, which need medication and can become serious.

       3. - Major stressors such as redundancy or job change, death of a loved one, divorce, moving home, and family holidays.
             These can be the catalyst for life threatening behaviour patterns and the initiator of serious illnesses.

Given that a high percentage of the population at any one time is subject to some or all of the above it is interesting that most of us have not been shown what extra resources are available to help us combat these stressors, other than resorting to such things as over eating, alcohol, smoking and at worst prolonged depression.

It has recently been recognised that treatments such as Indian head massage, Reflexology and Reiki are a few complementary therapies, which all have beneficial effects in substantially reducing stress.

If you feel you could benefit from more relaxation and less stress see one of the therapies listed below.

Stress Management

i)       Acupressure
ii)      Aromatherapy
iii)     Crystal Healing
iv)     Hopi Ear Candles
v)      Hot Stones
vi)     Hypnotherapy
vii)    Indian Head Massage
viii)   Iridology
ix)     Massage
xi)     Metamorphic Technique
xii)    Personal Trainer
xiii)   Proactive Counselling
xiv)   Reflexology
xv)    Reiki
xvi)  Shiatsu


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