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Life Coaching


>From our earliest memories as we progress through life we grow physically, mentally and spiritually through experiences, feedback and teaching, received through our 5 senses. These we record to use in the future to process against the information our senses are receiving, which can spark our growth in different ways (both positive and negative) and at different rates (some individuals learn from one experience; many take, many experiences) based on our individual circumstances, environment and ability to use any experience for growth.

What is it?
Life coaching helps us to understand ways of moving forward towards our desires and goals by using our experiential learning, feedback and current knowledge in a constructive and positive way. Thereby, overcoming any areas of our life where we have: poor self image; limiting self beliefs; low expectations and negative attitudes, which have held us back. Thus allowing us to dispel feelings of impending failure and release us to undertake successful action and obtain our desired results.

Who can use It?
Life coaching can be used in any sphere of life and is not dependent on the coach having technical knowledge of any particular discipline. It can be of benefit to individuals from business, artistry, sport or any walk of life where they are experiencing procrastination, feelings of angst, a mental block, a need to focus or any area where they wish to achieve success.

For more information contact one of the therapists listed below (Those with CD before their name offer a corporate and club card discount see the corporate page for details) or to be put in touch with the therapists not currently advertising.

CD Trevor Smith        Life Coaching; Performance Training (including 1-3day courses); Personal Fitness & Karate
                               within 15 miles of Bournemouth, outside this area by separate agreement 01202 511653

CD Sandra Johnson   Work with teams & individuals as a personal or management coach & trainer, to achieve results
                               Available to work throughout England & Wales. Contact: 01202 514569

CD See Hypnotherapy.

CD See Reflexology

Smith van de Velde

We offer a range of coaching including business, professional and life coaching to individuals across the UK, both face to face and by telephone.

With over 60 years experience in coaching individuals with business, professional, personal, academic and physical challenges and goals, we have helped draw out their best qualities, resulting in new and higher achievements and greater successes.

We work in conjunction with a leading training provider in the areas of Understanding the psychology of Performance, Coaching and Self-coaching.

References available.

- Free initial meeting, at agreed location.

- Business and Professional coaching.

- Life coaching.

Contact: E-mail:-
Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 511653


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