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Colour Therapy

The colour for 'sensitivity & spirituality'. A true awareness of what feels 'right', of tapping in to ones own intuition, faith and ability to sense that that can not be seen. To release our own true potential.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Amethyst, Flourite, and Sugalite.

The colour for 'peace & calm'. It is known to soothe anxieties and gently calm & relax the mind. It is a cool colour, yet not cold. Tranquillity is synonymous with blue.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, and Chalcedony. Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine

The colour for 'communication, protection, integrity & insight.' Encouraging the ability to communicate from the heart and for what is said to be what is meant or felt. Enabling us to get in touch with what is real and not what is imagined.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Turquoise, colour enhanced Howlite.

The colour of 'love' and of well-being' - 'in the pink', 'rosy cheeks'. A calmer and gentler version of red, less abrasive and works on a more subtle level. Pink - softness & romance, love, gentleness, friendships & relationships, caring & trust, relaxation & calm.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Rose, Mangano and Strawberry Quartz.

The colour for 'peace & harmony', 'balance & truth'. Nowadays green is associated with kindness and fairness to the earth. Being aware of what is right and what is beneficial growth.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Serpentine, Aventurine, Jade, and Malachite.

The colour of 'stimulation, imagination & optimism'. A colour that brings out creativeness, intelligence and motivation. It wakes the mind and excites the senses.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Citrine, Yellow calcite, Aragonite.

The colour of 'spice and enthusiasm'. It literally seems to add spice to our lives, in the form of joy, energy, fun, a zest for life, creative communication, social interaction and a lift that shows in our body language. It is like the joy we feel at seeing the sun come out from behind a cloud on a rainy day.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Orange Calcite, Amber, Topaz, Carnelian.

The colour of life itself, the blood flowing through our veins. Energy, passion, vitality, drive, sensuality, confidence and leadership. Red symbolises the base chakra, it is therefore a very grounding colour along with all of its other benefits. So too much at a time, when it is not required, can create anger, frustration and dissatisfaction. Remember red is also used as the colour to warn us of impending danger. So a little goes a long way.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Red Jasper, Agate, Garnet, and Ruby.

The first group of colours represent C H A K R A, this is a Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel' or 'disc'. There are seven main Chakra points within the body ~ when all seven are spinning in harmony, at the same speed, energy is able to flow through the body promoting health and well-being in all areas of life.


The colour of 'innocence & purity'. White is a combination of all of the colours of the spectrum put together. It offers hope and the prospect of fulfilled wishes. Is often associated with Angels.
Associated Crystals & Gems - Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite, And Milky Quartz.

The colour for down-to-earth, warmth, homeliness, practicality and generosity.
Strong roots, security and consistency.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Tigers Eye

Black is the colour for determination and independence. It holds an air of confidence, grounding and rebellion!
It is also colour that holds many negative connotations, but that doesn't mean that It should be viewed as such.
Associated Crystals & Gems - Black Onyx, Tourmaline, and Jet.

A colour for the 'mind'. 'Grey matter' refers to the brain. This colour allows us to see more than just the obvious in situations.
It can boost our confidence and self esteem.

Associated Crystals & Gems - Hematite.

Silver is associated with emotional balance, mental strength, it is gentle and caring.
Throughout history it has been associated with protection.

Gold is said to attract positive energy and refresh the aura.
To aid the removal of 'old fashioned' thought patterns or behaviour and stimulate inspired creativity.

Copper has been associated for years with its healing properties.
It is said to boost energy and aid the removal of toxins from the body.


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